Halo Graft

Halo graft

A skin graft is transplantation of skin from one location to another on the same individual and has been used in patients since 1869.

A split skin graft (SSG) involves a very thin shaving of skin including epidermis and a small portion of dermis leaving behind the enough dermis for the donor site to heal by reepithelialisation. A SSG is more likely to survive in areas with less vascularity such as periosteum and peritenon and is graft of choice for the shin.

Dr Sharad Paul, a NZ doctor, described a type of SSG which can be done under local anaesthesia in only one area (instead of different donor and recipient sites), decreases healing times and donor site pain… the Halo Graft.

The central defect is where the lesion is excised, and the ‘halo’ or annulus around the circular excision margins is where the donor site shavings are harvested for the SSG. The wound is usually completely healed in 2-3 weeks. Ingenious!